Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Mommy School: Week 2

This weeks, before five-in-a-row book. We had fun reading the story and then acting it out. 
We had a contest as to who could wear the most "caps" on their head. 
 My second oldest won with 10 caps
 My oldest was home sick from school that day so she joined in for mommy school. Luckily we had enough monkey puppets for each child to play the role of the monkeys in the trees.

 I found some printables online. I printed different ones for each child, depending on their age level. 
 I love watching my son hold his crayon with his cute little trigger thumb. It looks like his pincer grip will be just fine.

I think the biggest lesson we discussed and it came up often throughout the week is that anger doesn't solve anything and that being patient does. (the monkey's take the man's caps and he gets very angry. Finally when he settles down and gives up, all of the monkeys do too and he gets all of his caps back).  My kids reminded me all week about this book. If I got angry they would remind me of the lesson we learned. I was glad that they learned the lesson we talked about and I was happy to get the reminders to not get angry!

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