Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Girls Craft Camp

I enjoy doing crafts with kids. My good friend has a daughter who is 8 and I wanted to do a little craft camp class for her and some friends. So each Friday for about a month I had 6 girls for a couple of hours working on art projects. My oldest enjoyed having the girls come over for crafts. The younger two stayed napping each week. My oldest acts super goofy when they come over...which equals LOTS of excitement for her.

Here are some of the projects we did together.

Freezer Paper Stenciled shirts. They each chose their image. I cut it out. They painted it. They each loved their shirts!
These really neat black glue and watercolor resist paintings. You make black puffy paint and then the next week the girls used watercolors. I forgot to take a picture of most of them, but they all turned out beautifully.
Corn Syrup Paintings. These are really neat when dried. It creates a glossy raised painting.
I found freezing them helped them to harden quicker!
The classic Shrinky Dinks! These were a huge hit.
And we painted Prayer Rocks (to place on their pillow at night as a reminder to pray. I gave them a poem to go along with them.)

These hot rock paintings were probably the biggest hit. They were fun. You just place rocks in the oven on a baking sheet. Take them off and use crayons to paint on them.

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